Call for Abstracts
- Abstract Submission will start on March 20, 2025.
- Decisions on acceptance for oral presentation will be made by 15.06.2025.
Topics of ISPPP 2025
- Biomarkers
- Biopharmaceuticals and gene therapy products (e.g. recombinant proteins, mAb, DNA, RNA, oligonucleotides)
- New modalities (e.g. viruses, VLPs, ADC, (non)-antibody-like molecules)
Advances in Separation processes
- Chromatographic and membrane-based separation
- Liquid-liquid separation technologies
- Materials (e.g. monoliths, 3D-printing, magnetic particles, nanoparticles, conductive materials, smart membranes)
- Scale-up/scale-down
Fundamentals and Modelling
- Molecular and thermodynamics aspects
- Modelling and Simulations
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Analytical Detection Technologies
- Mass spectrometry
- Omics tools
- Sensors (e.g. particles, UV, pressure)
- Light scattering tools
Process intensification
- Continuous Processing
- Process integration
- Automation and Control
- Process Analytical Tools (at-line, on-line, in-line)
Young Innovator Pitches in Biomolecule Separation
Travel grant for students
Students who submit an abstract for a talk can apply for a travel grant. Depending on available budget travel grants can be sponsored. The successful student(s) will be chosen by the scientific committee among those whose abstracts were selected for oral presentation. The application for the travel grant is included in the abstract registration procedure (tick box). The deadline for travel grant application is April 30, 2025.
Poster prizes will be given to the best posters chosen by the scientific committee. The poster prizes will be awarded to the successful candidates during the closing ceremony.
What happens once I submit my abstract?
Abstracts should be checked for accuracy prior to submission. Once the abstract has been submitted, changes, corrections or rewording will be possible until the abstract deadline on April 30, 2025. After this date changes will not be possible. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission. Abstract submission does not constitute registration for the conference. Abstract presenters must register to attend the conference by following the instructions for registration.